Tuesday 28 February 2012

More Sociology and Environmental factors

Ethnicity and Schizophrenia







Part 5 Philosophy of Schizophrenia

Symptoms of Schizophrenia- Delusions and Hallucinations

Side Effects of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs

More Character Design Experiments

Part 5, Part 6 and Conclusion. First Draft

Part 5. Philosophy and Anthropology. The importance of Schizophrenia, The Nature of Reality. Plato "I think therefore I am..."
Schizophrenia in cultures all over the world. 

Part 6- Sociology Class, Ethnicity and Gender Aspects. Socialised Healthcare


Part Four The Romancification Of Schizophrenia,

Freud, Thomas Szasz and RD Laing. The advantages and disadvantages of 1960's counter culture on the treatment of the mentally ill. 

Part Two and Three. First Draft

Part Two- Introduction

Part 3 Childhood and Biology

Part One- Worst Experience- First Draft

A Rough Contents List for the Final Book

There's quite a lot of information here, and I think it's better to put quality over quantity. The deadline is just over 2 months away. So let's see how much I can get done in time!

Monday 27 February 2012


Here is a list of books I am using for research

Foucault, M. 1967 Madness and Civilisation. Tavistock Publications

Clay, J. 1996 R. D. Laing, A Divided Self. Hodder and Stoughton

Hunter Jenkins, J and Barret, R. J., 2004 Schizophrenia, Culture and Subjectivity, The Edge of Experience. Cambridge University Press

Frith, C and Johnstone, E 2003 Schizophrenia, A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press

Saks, E. R. 2007 The Centre Cannot Hold. Virago Press

McDonald, C., Schulze, K., Murray, R. M. and Wright, P. 2004 Schizophrenia: Challenging the Orthodox. Taylor & Francis

Some Charter Design Design Experiments

Other Graphic Novelists

Here's some other Graphic Novels dealing with Complex Emotional stories. Top, Art Speigelman's Maus, about the author's parents' experience of the Holocaust, and blow, Persepolis, a story of the Iranian revolution by Marjane Satrapi. 

Chester Brown - My Mom was a Schizophrenic

Chester Brown is the only Comic book Artist I know whose tackled the subject of Schizophrenia. He based the book on how the work of Emil Kraepelin and Eugen Bleuler, who first diagnosed the disorder, is still accepted by mainstream Psychiatry. This is despite Thomas Szasz's discrediting of their work, claiming that they did not discover the disease, but invented it, and that the disorder cannot be detected by medical tests and thus should not be considered a disease. 

Experiments with comic book making

Here's some sketches of mine that I've assimilated into comic book/Graphic novel format. 

Self-Negotiated Unit Graphic Novel about Schizohrenia

I want to make a Graphic Novel documenting a subjective experience of Schizophrenia, from childhood to the first episode to adulthood an management of the disease. It will explore possible causes,including biological, social and cultural influences. For the 4 perspectives workshop in the Award Specific Unit 1, I looked at 4 ways of presenting Schizophrenia. They were a textbook about Anti-psychotic drugs for trainee psychiatrists, an advice leaflet for sufferers and carers , an academic textbook about anthropological perspectives on Schizophrenia and a Graphic Novel/Comic Book about one person's experience.

I think the Graphic Novel is one such publication that is not present on the market and I think it could tell an interesting story. I also think it would be interesting to put different perspectives on the disease which are usually kept separate, together (e.g. anthropological, biological and emotional/subjective)

I am interested in this because I studied the genetics of Schizophrenia for my undergraduate degree and it felt quite strange to discuss such an emotive and subjective experience in such a rational, scientific way.  

I think I could produce a short Graphic Novel, maybe 10-20 pages long. 

The Graphic Novel would follow in the footsteps of other Biographical comics, dealing with complex emotional situations, such as Art Speiglman's Maus (about the Holocaust), Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis (Iranian revolution) and David B.'s Epileptic (the authors' brother suffering from epilepsy). 

Other Graphic Novel artists include , Joe Sacco, David B, Josh Neufield, Julia Hanshaw, Sophy Hollington, Art Spieglman, Chester Brown and Piero.

The only Graphic Novel I know of that talks about Schizophrenia is My Mom Was a Schizophrenic by Chester Brown.

Written research:
I will research the subjective experience of Schizophrenia by looking at blogs, interviewing sufferers and reading published  first hand accounts. 

I will email bloggers on Schizophrenia and ask them to answer questions. I will also make notes from their published blogs. 

I'd also look at the work of RD Laing and the anti-psychiatry movement and some anthropological and philosophical perspectives on the disease, for example Madness and Civilasation by Michel Foucault.

I will also look at current debates on talking therapies in Schizophrenia, Biological and social causes and anti-psychotic medication. 

Visual Research:
For the visual research I will look at as many different Graphic novel writers and illustrators as possible. When I have a rough story I will begin trying to put together the drawings. This will be from a mixture of observational drawings from life, photos found on the internet and my own head. 

I want to find a visual style that is original and engaging but also clear to understand and adaptable to show different characters in different environments recognisably.